Release Notice and Upcoming System Maintenance
Bulletin Number:
Distribution Date:
July 14, 2020
Effective Date:
July 20, 2020
Contact point:
Metrc® Support
Starting July 20, Metrc will begin a series of system updates and maintenance to improve the user experience.
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Greeting Metrc Users:

Over the past few months, the Metrc system has been experiencing sporadic system performance issues in some states. We recognize that these issues in some cases have grown more frequent, causing long load times and error messages for certain users. We have determined the two primary causes are:

1)      Increasingly frequent API calls by third-party integrators. In certain instances, misuse of the API can cause a slowdown for all users, effectively clogging Metrc with unnecessary data requests.  

2)      Large amounts of active data in licensee accounts. Active sales receipt, package, and transfer data sets are large in some states, impacting day-to-day functions as the system works through large portions of data no longer being used. In some cases, users have several years of data in their respective accounts that is no longer being used, but is part of their active data sets.  

Starting July 20, Metrc will begin a series of system updates and production releases to enhance our software and make the system faster and easier to use. See below for a summary and brief timeline of these enhancements.

Production Release (7/20)

The upcoming production release is currently in the testing environment and is primarily focused on fixes.Please find on the following pages a detailed description of the enhancements.

System Maintenance (7/21)

Metrc will be conducting system maintenance to prepare for rate limiting and data

optimization. This required maintenance may impact system performance between 8 to 11 AM CT. We encourage users to perform as much of their interactions within the Metrc system outside the time frame outlined. We do not expect Metrc to be unavailable during that window, and if you experience any issues, please reach out to

Rate Limiting (tentatively scheduled for the last week of July)

We will also be implementing an API best practice known as rate limiting later this month. Rate limiting caps the number of API calls third-party integrator can make in a given amount of time to ensure all integrators are given an equal playing field and no single user or company can overwhelm the system.

Data Optimization (tentatively scheduled for the first week of August)

We will begin moving historical data – data that is finalized or finished – to separate locations to further optimize system performance. Once the optimization is complete, users will still be able to access that data within the current UI and “ un-finalize” or “un-finish”data, if necessary. To maximize the benefits of data optimization, users are encouraged to finalize or finish sales receipts and packages that are no longer active. Metrc has provided users the ability to finalize sales, finish both packages and harvests. If you have any questions or need help with this process, please reach out to

We will send additional communications about these enhancements and of any impacts they may have on daily operations over the coming weeks. Please see the following pages for details regarding the 7/20 release.

The remainder of this bulletin provides information on the latest enhancements to Metrc, which will become effective on July 20th,2020. The enhancements are listed below.

I.                   CSV Upload for Packages when creating a Transfer Manifest

II.                  CSV Upload for Plant Additives

III.                 CSV Upload for Immature Plant Additives

Detailed descriptions of each change are provided on the following pages:

New Feature: CSV Upload for Packages on Transfer Manifests

Users now have the ability to use a CSV Upload to enter in multiple packages onto a transfer manifest. To begin this process the user can navigate to the Licensed Transfers page and select “New Transfer” button as seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Select New Transfer

This will prompt an action window to appear where the user will enter all of the required information regarding the transfer. The user will now see an area to upload a CSV file with tags listed in a single column as seen in Figure2.

Figure 2: Select CSV File for Packages

Once the users selects the CSV file, it will upload and then all of the packages listed in the file will appear on the manifest as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Successfully Uploaded Package CSV

Please note: If the user attempts to upload a file that is in the incorrect format, or does not have valid package tag numbers, the user will receive an error.

New Feature: CSV Upload for Plant Additives

Users now have the ability to upload a CSV file to enter Plant Additives entries into the system. To begin the user will navigate to the Data Import screen by  using the button on the top navigational bar shown in Figure 4.  

Figure 4: Data Import Navigation Button

Once on the Data Import screen, the user will select the “Plant Additives” tab and select the CSV file that is being uploaded as seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Select File Under Plant Additive Data Import Tab

Please note: The user should use the format and examples (shown in Figure 6) as guidance for the CSV to ensure there are no issues with the upload.  

Figure 6: Plant Additive CSV Columns and Example

Once the file is selected it will appear with the “Upload” option, shown in Figure 7. By selecting the “Upload” option, the user will complete the upload into Metrc.

Figure 7: Complete Plant Additive CSV Upload

To verify that the CSV was uploaded successfully, the user can verify through the table below as seen in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Verify Upload Information

New Feature: CSV Upload for Immature Plant Additives

Users now have the ability to upload a CSV file to enter Immature Plant Additives entries into the system. To begin the user will navigate to the Data Import screen by using the button on the top navigational bar shown in Figure 4 above.  

Once on the Data Import screen, the user will select the “Immature Plant Additives” tab and select the CSV file that is being uploaded as seen in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Select File Under Immature Plant Additives Data Import Tab

Please note: The user should use the format and examples (shown in Figure 10) as guidance for the CSV to ensure there are no issues with the upload.  

Figure 10: Immature Plant Additive CSV Columns and Example

Once the file is selected it will appear with the “Upload” option, shown in Figure 11. By selecting the “Upload” option, the user will complete the upload into Metrc.

Figure 11: Complete Immature Plant Additive Upload

To verify that the CSV was uploaded successfully, the user can verify through the table below as seen in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Verify Immature Plant Additives Upload

Please feel free to contact Support at or 877-566-6506 with any questions.

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