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Monthly Product Update: September 2023

October 3, 2023
 Min Read

Improved Features

LeafLink Integration

Save time and make order management more efficient by automatically transferring credits from LeafLink Orders to Canix Sales Orders. Now, when users convert a LeafLink Order to a Canix Sales Order, they will be able to see the associated credit. This improvement simplifies the process of locating orders between LeafLink and Canix, as the Canix Sales Order number is pre-filled with the LeafLink Order number. Plus, any notes added to line items in LeafLink orders will now be automatically transferred to Canix Sales Orders. Users can utilize these notes to effectively communicate important order information to the team responsible for order fulfillment in Canix.

Inventory Value Report

Canix has made changes to the Inventory Value report so that it now shows both cannabis and non-cannabis inventory values for your facilities. The Current Cannabis Inventory Value is determined by the costs assigned to your active packages.

Just like other Canix reports, you can set up a regular schedule for the Inventory Value report to be sent to you at the beginning or end of each month or week. To do this, click the three dots in the top right corner of the report and choose the schedule you prefer.

A screenshot of Canix's Current Inventory Value report, which now includes both cannabis and non-cannabis inventory.

Refresh Task Inventory

Users now have the option to automatically update the current inventory on tasks. This feature eliminates the need for manual updates and ensures that tasks are always aligned with the most up-to-date inventory data.

By utilizing this functionality, users can reduce the risk of errors caused by referencing outdated inventory. Instead of relying on obsolete information, users can quickly refresh their tasks with the latest facility inventory tags. This ensures that tasks are assigned and executed accurately based on the most recent inventory status. The improvement simplifies task management processes, enhances efficiency, and facilitates better decision-making.

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