New Features and Maintenance to Improve the User Experience in the California Cannabis Track and Trace System (CCTT-Metrc)
Bulletin Number:
Distribution Date:
July 30, 2020
Effective Date:
August 10, 2020
Contact point:
Metrc® Support
Hard copy of Bulletin:
Download PDF

Over the past few months, the CCTT-Metrc system has been experiencing sporadic system performance issues. We recognize that these issues in some cases have grown more frequent, causing long load times and error messages for certain users. We have determined the two primary causes are:

1)      Increasingly frequent API calls by third-party integrators. In certain instances, misuse of the API can cause a slowdown for all users, effectively clogging CCTT-Metrc with unnecessary data requests.

2)      Large amounts of active data in licensee accounts. Active sales receipt, package, and transfer data sets are large in some states, impacting day-to-day functions as the system works through large portions of data no longer being used. In some cases, users have several years of data in their respective accounts that is no longer being used, but is part of their active data sets.  

Starting July 21, Metrc began a series of system updates and production releases to enhance our software and make the system faster and easier to use. See below for a summary and brief timeline of these enhancements.

System Maintenance (7/21)

Metrc conducted system maintenance to prepare for rate limiting and data optimization (described below) between 6 and 9 AM. CCTT-Metrc remained available during that window.

Production Release (8/10)

The upcoming production release is primarily focused on fixes. Please find a detailed description of the enhancements on the following pages.

Rate Limiting

We will also be implementing an API best practice known as rate limiting in the near future. Rate limiting caps the number of API calls a third-party integrator can make in a given amount of time to ensure all integrators are given an equal playing field and no single user or company can overwhelm the system.

Data Optimization

We will begin moving historical data – data that is finalized or finished – to separate locations to further optimize system performance. Once the optimization is complete, users will still be able to access that data in CCTT-Metrc and “un-finalize” or “un-finish” data, if necessary. To maximize the benefits of data optimization, users are encouraged to finalize or finish sales receipts and packages that are no longer active. Metrc has provided users the ability to finalize sales, and to finish both packages and harvests. If you have any questions or need help with this process, please reach out to

We will send additional communications about these enhancements and of any impacts they may have on daily operations over the coming weeks. Please see the following pages for details regarding the August 10 release.

The remainder of this his bulletin provides information on the latest enhancements to CCTT-Metrc, which will be available on August 10, 2020. The enhancements are listed below.

I.                  Added a new Packaged By field in package popovers

II.                 Added a new Item Strain column on the Lab Samples grid

III.                Added a requirement that a Finished package must be Unfinished before users can record or edit sales from the package

IV.                Added the ability to enter the number of additional packages to be included in a transfer and to upload a CSV or TXT file to populate the packages in a transfer

V.                 Added a CSV upload for Plant Additives

VI.                Added a CSV upload for Immature Plant Additives

VII.               Updated the CSV Formatting Guide

VIII.              Added a link to the California Industry Bulletin Archive

Detailed descriptions of each change are provided on the following pages.

I.     Packaged By Field in All Package Popovers

A popover grid is displayed by hovering the mouse over the

symbol anywhere in CCTT-Metrc. A Packaged By field has been added to the package popover to display the license number that created the package, as shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Package Popover Menu

II.       Lab Samples Item Strain Field

Testing Laboratory users with the View Packages permission have access to a Lab Samples tab on the Packages page. Newly added to the Lab Samples grid is the Item Strain field, which will populate with the strain of the item, if applicable, as shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Lab Samples Grid - Item Strain Field

III.     Recording and Editing Sales on Finished Packages

With this new update, Retailers and Microbusinesses licensed to perform retail activities will no longer be able to record or edit sales receipts on a finished package. Attempting to do so will result in an error message, as shown in Figure 3 below. The finished package must be unfinished prior to editing or recording a sale from it.

Figure 3: Finished Package Sale Error

Unfinishing Packages

To unfinish a package, navigate to the Inactive tab on the Packages page and select the package requiring a sales action. Once selected, use the Unfinish button asshown in Figure 4 below and confirm the package you are unfinishing.

Figure 4: Unfinish Package

Once the package is unfinished, any required sales actions can be taken. Please note that if the sales action performed results in a non-zero amount, the package will not be able to be finished.

IV.           New Features: Adding Multiple Packages to a Transfer

Two new features are available when creating and editing licensed transfers that enhance the ability to add multiple packages to a transfer

The first feature allows entry of additional packages in the transfer by entering the number of packages to be added and clicking the

button once rather than having to click the

button for each package to be added. Please note that the total number of packages in a transfer is limited to 200.  The functionality is illustrated in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5: Adding Multiple Packages to a Transfer

The second feature allows a CSV or TXT file containing a list of up to 200 packages to be uploaded to populate the packages into the transfer.  The CSV or TXT file should contain a single column of packages tag UIDs and be saved on a local drive.  Figure 6 below is an example of a CSV file opened in Excel.

Figure 6: CSV File in Excel

Click the Select Files button to select the CSV or TXT file from the saved location.  Once selected, the package information will be populated into the transfer as shown in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7: Successfully Uploaded Package CSV

V.        New Feature: CSV Upload for Plant Additives

Users now have the ability to upload a CSV file to record Plant Additives in CCTT-Metrc. To begin, navigate to the Data Import page by using the button on the top navigation bar shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Data Import Navigation Button

Once on the Data Import page, select the Plant Additives tab and select the CSV file to be uploaded as seen in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Select Files under Plant Additives Tab

Please note: Use the format and examples (shown in Figure 10) as guidance for preparing the CSV file to ensure there are no issues with the upload.

Figure 10: Plant Additives CSV Columns and Example

Once the file is selected, it will appear with the Upload option, as shown in Figure 11. Select the Upload option to complete the upload into CCTT-Metrc.

Figure 11: Complete Plant Additives CSV Upload

Verify that the CSV was uploaded successfully by checking the status of the import in the grid, as shown in Figure 12 below.

Figure 12: Verify Plant Additives Upload

VI.           New Feature: CSV Upload for Immature PlantAdditives

There is now the ability to upload a CSV file tor ecord Immature Plant Additives in CCTT-Metrc. To begin, navigate to the Data Import page by using the button on the top navigation bar shown in Figure 8 above.

Once on the Data Import page, select the Immature Plant Additives tab and select the CSV file to be uploaded as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Select Files under Immature Plant Additives Tab

Please note: Use the format and examples (shown in Figure 14) as guidance for preparing the CSV file to ensure there are no issues with the upload.

Figure 14: Immature Plant Additives CSV Columns and Example

Once the file is selected it will appear with the Upload option, as shown in Figure 15. Select the Upload option to complete the upload into CCTT-Metrc.

Figure 15: Complete Immature Plant Additives Upload

Verify that the CSV was uploaded successfully by checking the status in the import in the grid, as shown in Figure 16 below.

Figure 16: Verify Immature Plant Additives Upload

VII.       Updated CSV Formatting Guide

Metrc Support has updated the CSV Formatting Guide, which can be found under the Support menu on the top navigation bar when logged into Metrc, as shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17: CSV Formatting Guide

VIII.      Link to the Industry Bulletin Archive

A link to the Industry Bulletin Archive has been added to the Support menu on the top navigation bar when logged into Metrc, as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: Industry Bulletin Archive

Please feel free to contact Support at or 877-566-6506 with any questions.

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