Cannabis Software

What is Cannabis ERP Software?

April 27, 2022
 Min Read

The cannabis industry is full of software solutions meant to streamline your business process. But what is a ‘Cannabis ERP software? And when is it the right choice for you cannabis operation?

ERP stands for enterprise resource planning. An ERP system is designed to help a business manage its day-to-day operations with functions for supply chain management, regulatory compliance reporting, real-time inventory management and more. Business management is meant to be entirely possible from a single ERP system.

A cannabis ERP system is all of those things and more. When it’s designed with the cannabis business in mind, a good cannabis ERP solution offers the following: accounting functionality, task management, supply chain operations and compliance management.

Accounting Functionality

A high-quality ERP software will offer accounting functions to help improve your operation’s profitability. This can include a point of sale (pos) system for dispensaries or a Quickbooks integration for the cultivators and distributors.

An ERP solution such as Canix can manage sales orders, invoices, customer records and revenue reporting all within the platform. The integrations available make it easy for operators to streamline accounting.

Task Management

Better ERP solutions will optimize business processes with task management and project management features. Automated workflows help cannabis business operations save time and money on labor.

Since ERP stand for enterprise resource planning, it only makes sense that it would manage employee time since that’s one of the biggest resources available to companies. The automation available from a cannabis ERP solution can save a companies hours on data entry, inventory management and compliance each week; those saved hours can add up quickly.

Supply Chain Operations

The cannabis supply chain is unique in the level of traceability and scale of data required to run a business.  The cannabis supply chain, from growers to dispensaries, is full of unique business processes and mandatory operations. Plus, a high-quality cannabis ERP solution provides both traceability and quality control features.

Compliance Management

An ERP system designed for the cannabis industry should integrate seamlessly with industry regulatory compliance systems. A high-quality solution should deeply understand the industry and specified business requirements.

For example, an ERP solution may integrate with Metrc for monthly reporting, while other users could generate custom reports for more specific local mandates. Most seed to sale software solutions will offer some level of compliance integration, but a quality ERP solution will leverage a streamlined business process.

Choosing an ERP System for your Cannabis Business

So what’s the best cannabis ERP software for your operation? It’s going to be whichever solution your business process is ready to adopt. If you sign up for an ERP system, the most important step is actually incorporating it into your entire business.

Too often we see cannabis companies sign on to an ERP system and lose out on the benefits because they don’t adopt it.

That’s why cannabis cultivators, distributors and manufacturers choose Canix for their back-office operations. Canix is a unique cannabis ERP and seed to sale software that has the potential to improve an entire cannabis operation.

Learn more about using Canix as your cannabis ERP solution today.

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