App Updates

RFID Scanning

March 11, 2020
 Min Read

What's new this week

RFID Scanning

Use RFID to speed up your operation! Connect an RFID wand via bluetooth and start creating plantings, harvesting plants and creating packages and transfers. Email if you'd like to learn more about setting this up.

In case you missed it
  • Metrc Submission Logs - We'll continue to submit to Metrc for 4 hours if Metrc is experiencing delays or downtime. Check the logs in the menu of the app for succeeded and failed submissions
  • Bluetooth Scale Integration - Connect a bluetooth-enabled scale to Canix to harvest automatically
  • Updated Sales Orders​ - We've redesigned sales orders to add items faster and calculate cultivation taxes automatically
  • Strain YieldSummary - See a high-level overview of your most profitable strains
  • User Management - Add and edit users in your account under the Admin menu on the web dashboard

Performance improvements have been made to flowering plants, packages, sales orders and inventory availability pages to speed up loading times on the app and web.

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