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Canix Introduces New Production Planning Tool

March 21, 2023
 Min Read

Canix, a leading provider of cannabis ERP solutions, has announced the launch of a Production Planning feature, a new tool designed to help cannabis operators optimize their resources and improve their bottom line.

Since its founding in 2019, Canix has been at the forefront of providing cutting-edge solutions to cannabis businesses. With the increasing demand for better planning tools, Canix is proud to offer Production Planning to help customers run more efficient businesses.

The latest Production Planning feature by Canix enables cannabis operators to schedule production, forecast demands, and monitor operations in real-time. With this tool, users can efficiently organize the utilization of labor, machinery, and materials, thereby reducing waste and increasing output. Additionally, the feature estimates available quantities of cannabis and non-cannabis ingredients required for production, predicts revenues and margins using standard costing, and forecasts estimated sales per unit. This functionality helps businesses meet customer demand promptly and decrease production costs.

“Our production planning module is an important step forward in the evolution of Canix,” said Stacey Hronowski, the CEO and co-founder of Canix. “We’ve received tons of feedback from customers and prospects that this is most often a manual process, on excel, that takes significant time and resources. We’ve been utilizing the feature in beta testing, and we’ve gotten tremendous feedback that this will help customers increase efficiency and cut costs.”

In addition to its production planning capabilities, Canix's reporting tools provide users with the power to identify areas where costs can be reduced, further helping to increase profitability.

Each Production Plan provides key pieces of information necessary for planning and producing your new inventory, including:

  • Estimated production start and end dates
  • Production goal output items and quantities
  • Estimated Profit Per Unit
  • Total Estimated Revenue
  • Total Estimated Cost
  • Estimated available quantities by the production start date for non-cannabis and source cannabis materials needed

The Production Planning home page supplies pivotal pieces of data in unique views, including: Calendar View, Production Plans, Production Inventory, and Expected Outputs.

"We are always excited to offer new solutions that help cannabis businesses streamline their workflows and increase their competitiveness," said Madison Bunce, the Director of Marketing at Canix. "We are excited to see how this feature will elevate the way our customers plan and execute their production processes."

The Production Planning tool is now live and available to all Canix customers. For operators interested in learning more about Canix’s features, schedule a demo by clicking here.

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