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Canix Product Update - Updates to Package Overviews, Mobile Facility Data and Pick Lists

November 18, 2021
 Min Read
Emily Wanless
Head of Product & Implementation

🎉 What's New

New Package Overviews
We've replaced our package information screens when selecting a package tag from the Inventory > Packages table. An updated side panel will now appear with package details and easy access for updating COGS and package notes.

Activity History

To view an audit log of actions taken on this package in Canix, select Activity History from the side panel or the package overview. Canix will log action details and the users who submitted updates to COGS, package adjustments, splits and combines, and more. Any data available to prefill from historical actions are currently displayed.

Package Overview

Select View Details to see a full page overview of all package details in one place, while also being able to take action on the package from this new dashboard. Select the Actions button in the top right of the new dashboard to take any packaging actions after reviewing the information in the overview.

  • View information like SKU, brand, lot ID, and COGS from the details in the top left of your dashboard.
  • Quantity and source overviews can be seen in the top right of your dashboard for what quantity currently remains in the package, and what the original quantity was prior to any actions taken.
  • See all packages created from this source package, and any source packages the current package came from. Select the child or source package tags to view the full page overview for that tag.
  • View and update notes in the bottom left section of your package overview. Any changes to notes will be logged in the Activity History tab.
  • Add or edit R&D lab results, view Metrc lab results, and add COAs to your package in the bottom right section of your overview.

Create Facility Data on Mobile
Quickly create locations, items and strains on the go from Canix's mobile app. Select facility data from the home page to view or create locations, items or strains for the current facility selected. Switch facilities on the mobile app to create facility data in other licenses.

Customizable Picklists
You can now choose which information to display when creating picklists to assist packaging teams when fulfilling sales orders for delivery.

Create Multiple Pick Lists in Bulk
Pick lists for multiple sales orders can easily be created by selecting 1 or more rows in the Sales Order table > Actions > Create Pick Lists. A pop up will appear to print or save each pick list.

Gross Weight on Outgoing Transfers
Customers in Nevada can now enter the gross weight for packages when creating Outgoing Transfers. Select the option below the departure and arrival time to enable gross weight fields on the transfer.

🧐 In case you missed it

  • Duplicate Sales Orders Creating a similar order to a previous sale? Save time by Cloning Sales Orders in Canix. Navigate to Sales > Sales Orders and scroll to the Clone Sales Order column to select the copy button. Cloning a Sales Order will copy all details from the duplicated order, except for Discounts and Credits, and can be edited and fulfilled like normal orders.
  • Create Multiple Packages from a Harvest Quickly create multiple packages from a single harvest in one step. To begin, select an active harvest from the Harvest Overview, then select Actions > Create Packages.
  • View Harvest Details and remaining harvest weights before packaging to avoid over-pulling harvest current weight or creating duplicate packages.
  • Individually edit each new package or apply bulk settings under New Package Settings.
  • Automate dividing a harvest's remaining current weight among packages equally with "Distribute current harvest weight equally".
  • Want to pass cultivation COGS from your harvest to packaged goods? Select the option "Distribute current harvest COGS equally" to proportionally allocate the harvest's Total Current COGS as cultivation COGS on new packages.
  • Active Immature Batches View We've created a new view that filters all active plant batches with an immature count greater than zero. Access this saved view from the drop down menu and save as a new view to mark as your default view when accessing plant batch reporting.
  • Manage Drivers and Vehicles Easily manage Drivers and Vehicles for all Outgoing Transfers from one convenient place. Create new and edit existing Drivers and Vehicles by navigating to Sales > Outgoing Transfers > Drivers or Vehicles tab across the top. More details can be found in our help center: Manage Drivers and Vehicles.
  • Gross Weight on Outgoing Transfers Customers in Michigan can now enter the gross weight for packages when creating Outgoing Transfers. Select the option below the departure and arrival time to enable gross weight fields on the transfer.
  • Custom Labels now have the option to add the Plant Batch as an available field when generating Plant labels.
  • The Growth Stage Overview dashboard under Plants > Overview has been updated to include details around plant aging and days in each growth stage.
  • Package COGS will now transfer between facilities if transferring to another license in your Canix subscription.

🎬 Canix Youtube

You asked, we listened! Several of our customers have requested training videos. Visit our Youtube here to find videos on label printing, bulk web actions, printer set up, and more!

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Our team is here to help! Select Need Help in the bottom right of your screen to create a ticket, call (415) 894-9884, or email us at for a member of our team to help you Monday-Friday 6am-6pm PT and Weekends 10-4pm PT.

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