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Canix Package Statuses Explained

October 11, 2023
 Min Read

What are all the package statuses in Canix, and what do they mean?

This article explains the different package statuses in Canix and their corresponding Metrc statuses, available actions, user and automatic designations, where they can be found, and how they relate to the Inventory Availability Report. The statuses include In Progress, Available to Sell, In Quarantine, Allocated, Transferred, Finished, and Inactive.

In Progress

Corresponding Metrc Status: Active

Available Actions:

  • Split, combined, adjust packages
  • Unpack into Plantings, Change Location, Change Item, Deactivate Package, Update Availability Status, Assign Lot ID, Assign Package Owner, Assign NCI, Assign Labor COGS, Sync Inventory with LeafLink, Print Labels, and Upload Manual Lab Tests
  • Cannot: Add to a sales order or transfer


  • User: Mark “Available to Sell” or “In Quarantine”
  • Automatic:
  • If “In Progress” is selected as the Default Package Status, harvest packages, packages from Untracked Items, and packages created in the Manufacturing Module will be created with an “In Progress” status
  • If “In Progress” is selected as the Default Returned Package Status in Facility Management, returned packages marked returned on a sales order and received back into the facility will receive an “Progress” status
  • Child packages will receive the “In Progress” status when split or combined from an “In Progress” package

Packages Screen:

  • Can be found in the Unallocated, Active, and All Default Views

Inventory Availability Report: Included in the Active Inventory and All default views

Available to Sell

Corresponding Metrc Status: Active

Available Actions:

  • “Available to Sell” packages are able to be split, combined, adjusted, AND added to sales orders and transfers
  • Additional actions for “Available to Sell” packages are: Unpack into Plantings, Change Location, Change Item, Deactivate Package, Update Availability Status, Assign Lot ID, Assign Package Owner, Assign NCI, Assign Labor COGS, Sync Inventory with LeafLink, Print Labels, and Upload Manual Lab Tests
  • “Available to Sell” is the least restrictive Package Availability Status

User Designation:

  • Users can update “In Progress” or “In Quarantine” packages to “Available to Sell”
  • Users are able to update “Available to Sell” packages to “In Progress” or “In Quarantine”

Automatic Designation:

  • If “Available to Sell” is selected as the Default Package Status in Facility Management, harvest packages, packages from Untracked Items, and packages created in the Manufacturing Module will be created with an “Available to Sell” status
  • If “Available to Sell” is selected as the Default Returned Package Status in Facility Management, returned packages marked returned on a sales order and received back into the facility will receive an “Available to Sell” status
  • Child packages will receive the “Available to Sell” status when split or combined from an “Available to Sell” package

Packages Screen:

  • Can be found in the Unallocated, Active, and All Default Views

Inventory Availability Report:

  • “Available to Sell” packages populate the Available to Sell default view of the Inventory Availability Report
  • “Available to Sell” packages are also included on the Active Inventory and All default views

In Quarantine

Corresponding Metrc Status: Active or On Hold

Available Actions:

  • Update Availability Status, Assign Lot ID, Assign Package Owner, Print Labels, and Upload Manual Lab Tests
  • Packages may NOT be split, combined, adjusted, added to a sales order, or added to a transfer


  • User: Mark packages as “Available to Sell” or “In Progress”
  • Automatic:
  • If “In Quarantine” is selected as the Default Package Status, packages from harvest, packages from Untracked Items, and packages created in the Manufacturing Module will be created with an “In Quarantine” status
  • If “In Quarantine” is selected as the Default Returned Package status, returned packages marked returned on a sales order and received back into the facility will receive an “In Quarantine” status

Packages Screen:

  • Can be found in the Active, Unallocated, and All Default Views

Inventory Availability Report:

  • “In Quarantine” packages are included in the Active Inventory and All default views


  • Packages that are On Hold in Metrc also show as “In Quarantine” in Canix


Corresponding Metrc Status: Active

Available Actions:

  • Unpack into plantings, change location, adjust package, change item, deactivate package, assign Lot ID, assign package owner, assign NCI, assign Labor COGS, Sync Inventory with LeafLink, Print Labels, and Upload Manual Lab Tests
  • May NOT be added to a sales order, or added to a transfer


  • Users cannot manually update packages to “Allocated”
  • Packages will automatically be put into an “Allocated” status when the package is added to a Sales Order

Packages Screen:

  • Can be found in the Allocated, Active, and All Default Views

Inventory Availability Report: Included in the Active Inventory and All default views


  • What status do the sales orders have to be for packages to have an Allocated status?
  • Packages will have an Allocated status if they are on a Sales Order with a status of Created, Approved, or Filled
  • The status automatically updates when a package is placed onto a Sales Order
  • When a Transfer is created from a Sales Order, the packages then update to a Transferred status
  • When a package is taken off a Sales Order, the package status reverts to its pre-allocation status
  • Example: Package A with an Available to Sell status is allocated to a Sales Order. Package A’s status changed to Allocated once it is on the Sales Order. Package A is taken off the Sales Order, and goes back to the status of Available to Sell


Corresponding Metrc Status: In Transit or Inactive

Available Actions:

  • Assign Lot ID, Assign Package Owner, Assign NCI, Assign Labor COGS, Sync Inventory with LeafLink, and Upload Manual Lab Tests
  • May NOT be split, combined, adjusted, added to another transfer, or added to a sales order

User Designation:

  • Users cannot manually update packages to “Transferred”

Automatic Designation:

  • Packages will automatically be placed into a “Transferred” status when they are added to a transfer
  • Returned packages marked returned on a sales order and received back into the facility will receive the Default Returned Package status set in Facility Management

Packages Screen: Can be found in the Transferred and All Default Views

Inventory Availability Report: Not included in the Inventory Availability Report


  • A Package with a “Transferred” status means the package is on an Accepted or In Transit transfer


Corresponding Metrc Status: Inactive

Available Actions:

  • Assign Lot ID, Assign Package Owner, Assign NCI, Reactivate Packages, and Upload Manual Lab Tests
  • May NOT be split, combined, adjusted, added to a transfer, or added to a sales order


  • User: cannot manually update packages to “Finished”
  • Automatic: Packages will automatically be placed into a “Finished” status when they are deactivated

Packages Screen: Can be found in the Finished and All Default Views

Inventory Availability Report: Not included in the Inventory Availability Report


  • Metrc Facilities can only finish a package when the package quantity has been fully depleted
  • Non-Metrc Facilities can finish a package even when the package quantity has not been fully depleted


Corresponding Metrc Status: Inactive

Available Actions:

  • Assign Lot ID, Assign Package Owner, Assign NCI, Sync Inventory with LeafLink, and Upload Manual Lab Tests
  • “Inactive” Packages may NOT be split, combined, adjusted, added to a transfer, or added to a sales order


  • Users cannot manually update packages to “Inactive”

Packages Screen: Can be found in the All Default View

Inventory Availability Report: “Inactive” packages are not included in the Inventory Availability Report


  • An “Inactive” package in Canix is Inactive in Metrc and cannot be associated as Transferred or Finished
  • Discontinued Packages in Metrc show in the Inactive Metrc tab and are likely to show as Inactive in Canix

To learn more about package statuses, visit the Canix Help Center.

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