Cannabis Software

3 Common Mistakes Customers Make During ERP Implementation

March 21, 2024
 Min Read
Ashley Park
Product Specialist

Date: March 21, 2024

Implementing a comprehensive ERP solution such as Canix helps cannabis operators optimize every aspect of the cannabis supply chain. However, adopting such a sophisticated system requires careful planning and preparation to ensure a smooth and successful implementation. Here are three crucial pitfalls customers should avoid for a seamless integration of Canix into their operations:

#1. Inadequate Planning and Requirements Gathering

One of the most common mistakes is insufficient planning and requirements gathering before starting the Canix implementation. Customers may rush into the process without fully understanding their business needs, processes, and objectives. As a result, they may fail to configure the platform properly to meet their specific requirements. Lack of planning can lead to delays, cost overruns, and dissatisfaction with the final solution.

Our Advice: Gather SOPs, workflow charts, safety management programs or compliance standards that outline your organization’s step by step processes. Documentation is not needed but workflows must be deliberated and confirmed by the leadership team in order to have a clear vision of what must be accomplished in Canix.

#2. Poor Data Management and Migration

Data migration is a critical aspect of Canix implementation, and many customers underestimate its complexity. They may fail to clean and organize their data properly before migration, leading to issues such as duplicate records, missing data, and inaccuracies. Poor data quality can compromise the integrity of Canix’s reporting and affect business operations. Additionally, customers may overlook the need to train employees on data entry best practices, leading to ongoing data management challenges.

Our Advice: Data cleansing and preprocessing is crucial before migration to improve quality and consistency. This may involve removing duplicates, correcting errors and standardizing naming convention by designated users only. Determine user(s) in charge of data authorship and data integrity. Having designating users responsible for entering and managing data is paramount for ongoing data operations. This may include data ingestion, storage, processing, analysis, visualization and reporting.

#3. Neglecting Change Management

Canix implementation often requires significant changes to business processes and workflows. However, customers may neglect the importance of change management and fail to adequately prepare their employees for the transition. Resistance to change among employees can hinder the adoption of a new system and undermine its effectiveness. Customers should invest in change management strategies such as communication, training, and stakeholder engagement to ensure a smooth transition and maximize the benefits of Canix.

Our Advice: Recognize that successful change requires deliberate planning, communication, stakeholder engagement and support for change. Establish clear objectives and designate a Canix Program Lead responsible for understanding the ins and outs of the platform. The Program Lead should implement structured change management processes, address concerns proactively and provide support to individuals and teams as they navigate through the change.

By avoiding these common pitfalls and prioritizing thorough planning, data management, and change management, customers can increase the likelihood of a successful Canix onboarding and meeting true ROI.

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